Petervan’s Delicacies Apr-May 2024

“Delicacies” is my incoherent, irregular, unpredictable collection of interesting sparks I came across online. Handpicked by a human, no robots, no AI. A form of tripping, wandering, dérivé, with some loosely undefined theme holding them together. Delicacies have no fixed frequency: I hit the publish button when there is enough material. That can be after a week, or after 3 months. No pressure, literally. Just click the image below. Enjoy!

Petervan’s Delicacies – 16 Mar 2021


As usual, an incoherent, irregular, unpredictable collection of interesting sparks. Handpicked, no robots. Minimalism in curation. Enjoy!

A very broad sweep of topics in this episode of Delicacies. A bit more contrarian than usual. Loads of video material.

The thought of this week: “And then there was nothing, absolutely nothing, only stillness and silence. But that is quite a lot” @petervan

If you can’t get enough of these and want more than 5 articles, you can hang on to the firehose, the extended version of Petervan’s Delicacies in REVUE. Also in this edition with loads of videos. Subscribe here:

Vernissage – Chris Vanbeveren

foto chris vanbever parels pluimen

Peter Vanderauwera is één van die uitzonderlijke studenten schilderkunst aan de Academie voor Beeldende Kunst Gent, die professionele bezigheden en artistieke activiteiten, combineert met elkaar.

Werkzaam in de internationale ‘event’ sector duiken installatoire elementen op op de podia waar hij neerstrijkt en waarvan we de grondslag dikwijls kunnen terugvinden in zijn schilderijen. Het dankbare daaraan vind ik dat Peter de functionaliteit van zijn creaties kent en gebruikt.

Bij Peter is er geen strikte scheiding tussen toegepaste kunsten en vrije kunsten. Gelukkig maar. Ze staan in een even waardigheid naast elkaar. Peter is er zich erg van bewust dat de uiterlijke aspecten waarin een lezing gehouden wordt bepalend is voor de manier waarop de toehoorders de inhoud zullen ontvangen. Een lezing met zijn spreker wordt onderdeel van een beeldende installatie.

Peter is begeesterd. Dat blijkt des te meer wanneer je een gesprek aangaat met hem en je hem de tijd geeft om uit te weiden over online lezingen. Ik, als zijn leraar schilderkunst, heb dan ook nog eens het voorrecht om zulke gesprekken met Peter te kunnen voeren ten midden van zijn beeldend werk. Het universum van Peter openbaart zich op die manier.

Zijn productie is omvangrijk en divers. Het gaat van modeltekenen over figuratie tot minimalistisch abstract. Een hele gevarieerde waaier die vertelt over de zoektocht waarin Peter momenteel verkeert. Waarbij wij als begeleiders dan meteen in de verleiding komen voor een dikwijls geformuleerde stelling: het zoeken, het proces is belangrijker dan het doel, het product.

Peter werkt graag met verschillende materialen en technieken en sinds enkele maanden drukt hij zich ook uit met digitale beeldvorming. In die context kunnen we zonder meer spreken van ‘mixed media’. Er zijn zelfs aanzetten en ideeën om dit ook een drie dimensionaal karakter te geven. We kunnen het alleen maar aanmoedigen. In zijn tentoonstelling zien we die diversiteit. Er zijn ‘grid structures’, schilderijen met collageachtige aspecten, eigenzinnige weergaven van de mens, interieurs, modellen zoals ik al vernoemde, geometrisch en organisch.

Ik denk dat we rustig kunnen stellen dat Peter een denker in beelden is.

Chris Vanbeveren.

Gent, 27 Juni 2020

English translation by Google:


Peter Vanderauwera is one of those exceptional painting students at the Academy of Fine Art Ghent, who combines professional activities and artistic activities. Working in the international ‘event’ sector, installation elements emerge on the stages where he lands and of which we often find the basis in his paintings. I am grateful that Peter knows and uses the functionality of his creations. With Peter, there is no strict distinction between applied arts and liberal arts. Fortunately. They stand side by side in equal dignity. Peter is very aware that the external aspects in which a lecture is given determine the way in which the audience will receive the content. A lecture with his speaker becomes part of a visual installation.

Peter is passionate. This is all the more evident when you enter into a conversation with him and give him time to elaborate on online lectures. I, as his painting teacher, have the privilege of having such conversations with Peter in the midst of his visual work. The universe of Peter thus reveals itself.

His production is extensive and diverse. It ranges from model drawing to figuration to minimalist abstract. A very varied range that tells about the quest that Peter is currently in. In which we, as supervisors, are immediately tempted by an often formulated statement: the search, the process is more important than the goal, the product.

Peter likes to work with different materials and techniques and since a few months he also expresses himself with digital imaging. In that context, we can definitely speak of “mixed media”. There are even initiatives and ideas to give this a three-dimensional character. We can only encourage it. In his exhibition we see that diversity. There are “grid structures”, paintings with collage-like aspects, idiosyncratic representations of man, interiors, models like I already mentioned, geometric and organic.

I think we can safely say that Peter is a thinker in images.

Chris Vanbeveren.

Gent, 27 June 2020

Pause with Josie – Episode 5

This is episode-5 of the calm conversation with Josie Gibson from The Catalyst Network, inspired by Robert Poynton’s book “Pause – You are not a To-Do list“. The approach is simple: we both read chapter-5 of the book and highlight three sentences, and mark the words that resonate most. These sentences and words are the triggers for a very slow-paced conversation on whatever comes our way.  No tricks, no gimmicks, just a gentle and calm wandering and meandering of minds.

Chapter-5 is about Culture (of Pause)

Here are Josie’s three sentences:

Older, more measured rhythms continue to exist… and the here and now is appreciated more for itself than as a means to get somewhere else.

They come in order to reconnect to a place that mediates a pause for them. For one, it is a rock by the river Pelayos – quite literally, a touchstone. Where might you find yours?

Burning Man: ‘This is pause as a suspension of the status quo, designed to try things out, not slow them down

And here are my three sentences:

There is no possible way to hurry any of this. Whatever you do, it takes the time it takes. The only hacks around here are made with axes.

They rarely say anything new; talk is not about relaying information, it is a way of seeing others and being with them

If you aren’t able to pause to consider or explore alternatives, it is extremely difficult to change direction

We covered a wide range of topics from scaffolding, “Go-Bush”, touchstones, freedom to be, Shakespeare, Burning Man, suspension (not smashing) of status quo, the calm “Corona Walks” by photographer Stephan Vanfleteren, the need for diverse lenses, and Budha’s beginner’s mind.

Some useful links mentioned in the conversation:

Episode-1 is here. Episode-2 is here. Episode-3 is here. Episode-4 is here.

These are very calm conversations; so best is to take a pause, install yourself in a quiet corner, and enjoy!

Peter & Josie

What Is Forbidden?

In preparation for a Zoom session on Dangerous Questions, Josie Gibson from The Catalyst Network asked me to write up the most dangerous question. She asked me to send my question to her husband, who put it in a black-swan envelope that was only opened during the live session. Check out the reactions at the end at 43:27 > I love the silences and the giggles of unease.

I am not looking for your answer to this question (you always can share if you feel ok with that), but I would like to invite you to use this question to look at what in your life was/is forbidden and what untapped potential you left/leave on the table.

Have a great day!

Petervan’s Delicacies – 27 June 2020


As usual, an incoherent, irregular, unpredictable collection of interesting sparks. I am surprised there is so much video in this edition. I also found it difficult to select the five very best of this edition. Handpicked, no robots. Minimalism in curation. Enjoy!

Self-promo heads-up: Watch this and other spaces on July 1st, 2020. I will have something new to share.


If you can’t get enough of these and want more than 5 articles, you can hang on to the firehose, the extended version of Petervan’s Delicacies in REVUE. Also in this edition with loads of videos. Subscribe here: