Innotribe your event: CPA and SWIFT


Innovation is a key theme in SWIFT’s discussions with the community on how they can collectively address both complex and basic challenges. Via the launch of the Innotribe Program, SWIFT has embarked on a new way of promoting innovation amongst the financial industry. Innotribe is an initiative that leverages the collective intelligence of the SWIFT community to find new ideas, projects, and the infrastructure to let them grow.

“Innotribe your event” is a bit similar to “Pimp your car”, but then for events.

Through a soft collaboration with the Innotribe team, you can add some additional dynamics to your event. It’s part of our renewed SWIFT Innovation mission. Kosta Peric (Head of Innovation at SWIFT – i.e. my boss) wrote about this mission here and it goes like this:

“Build the Skills , Tools , Processes, Metrics , Values , Network , required to support collaborative innovation and transform SWIFT in an agile company,
able to succeed in a changing environment.”

This mission is btw inspired by the book “Innovation to the Core”, that i already mentioned several times on this blog.

The sentence in that book that got us inspired was:

In our experience, it can take an organization three to five years to build the kinds of skills, tools, management processes, metrics, values, and IT systems that are required to support ongoing, across-the-board innovation.

As you have noticed, we added the network dimension to it. I’d like to focus today a bit on that dimension of our mission, and more particularly what we do with events.

Of course we have our own SWIFT events, such as SOFA, SIBOS, the regional events and the business fora worldwide. In each of these events we try to put some innovation spices. For the complete list of SWIFT event, check out the SWIFT website events section.

But what is new this year is that we very selectively partner with third-party events. A good example is our event partnership with CPA (Canadian Payments Association) where we work together on CPA’s Biennial Conference. The conference is tagged as the 2010 Payments Panorama and CPA is inviting you to join industry leaders from June 16 to 18 in Vancouver as we explore the latest trends, technology and processes in the payments industry.

The year’s conference theme – Leadership, Change and Vision – forms the basis for plenary discussions and breakout sessions on mobile and person to person (P2P) payments, evolution and innovation in merchant retail payments, the need for international standards, who is driving technology, and crime and payments. Full program here.


SWIFT is excited to launch the Innotribe Progam to the Canadian Community during a half-day session on Wednesday, 16 June2010. SWIFT’s Innotribe Leaders, in partnership with the Canadian Payments Association (CPA), will immerse you in a workshop that is inventive, interactive and collaborative. We will demonstrate how collaborative innovation works in practice.

The workshop will help you promote your ideas, be it a new service, product or a small internal project. You will learn how to grow it, nurture it, develop it, promote it, get others excited about it and sell it – to your colleagues, to the internal stakeholders, to customers, to venture capitalists.

In a workshop, called “The Art of Pitching,” orchestrated by experienced facilitators and innovation coaches, you will be able to develop an idea from a rough sketch to a selling pitch. The ideas will be around two hot trends:

· Cloud computing  and

· Collaborative Risk/Fraud and Security services

The workshop will conclude with a contest where a panel of judges will select a winning pitch. The winner will be showcased together with champions of Innotribe contests from around the world at this year’s Innotribe at Sibos 2010 Amsterdam, running from 25-29 Oct 2010.

What’s important is that this event is one of Innotribe events building up towards Sibos 2010.

  • The output of the Innotribe workshops of SOFA in NYC on 21-22 April 2010 will be the input of the CPA Innotribe workshop. Detailed agenda of SOFA here. You will notice that “The New Normal” and “Innovation” are prominent themes on this event as well.


  • We had a very good similar experience lately in our event collaboration with the EPCA Conference (presentations here) in Paris, France on 22-23 March 2010 and the related Florin Awards. In collaboration with Innotribe, they organized the “Best Product Pitch” Award which was won by the folks of AcceptEmail. We will showcase them as well during Innotribe @ Sibos 2010.




We are still looking forward for an Innotribe collaboration with an Financial Services APAC organized event, ideally before summer.

Obviously, we are open to any other suggestion that helps creating a win-win situation: improving your event with Innotribe “spices” and confirming our credibility and innovative organization and catalyst in the financial services industry.

Don’t hesitate to contact me or one of the Innotribe team members to find our more.