Consumer Genetics Show


Found this link about the Consumer Genetics Show via a tweet from Tom Hague of the Open Calais project. Tom tweets that he never expected to see the words “Genetics”, “Consumer”, and “Show” to come together.

Coincidently, at about the same time, i am reading the following paragraph in chapter XV – Time Warp in the book “As the future catches you” by Juan Enriquez.

“Almost any species can be cloned today…

“In the United States, it is illegal to use federal funds to clone humans…

“But it is not illegal to clone a human… (except in California, Louisiana, Michigan, and Rhode Island.)

“Nor is it illegal in Singapore, Russia, Brazil, China.

“And if you combine desperate customers…

“Rapidly evolving and highly decentralized technology…

“And the moniker of “the first scientist to clone a human”…

“The incentives are too great to stop this from happening.

Juan Enriquez also had a great speech at TED 2009:

I am a big believer that we will see the biggest breakthroughs and innovations on the cross-roads of ICT and Bio-engineering.

And i would like to add one more dimension to it: the Global Brain or the Semantic Web.

Example ?

One of the companies mentioned in the article on the Consumer Genetics Show is 23andMe.


A customer of the Web-based service 23andMe sends in a sample of spit and receives a genome-wide analysis of nearly 600,000 genetic variations. The results include an estimate of genetic risk for various diseases, along with other personal information, such as where the customer’s ancient ancestors might have come from. Price tag ? 399$

Sergey Brin, the billionaire co-founder of Google plans to contribute money and his DNA to a large study intended to reveal the genetic underpinnings of Parkinson’s disease. See also this article in the New Your Times dated March 2009.

23andMe is co-founded and co-managed by Mr. Brin’s wife, Anne Wojcicki. The company offers a personal genomics service, in which it scans the DNA submitted by its customers and provides information on their health risks, ancestry and other traits. Esther Dyson is a Board member.

Start thinking DNA and gnome in the cloud.

“Getting a genome sequence has never been an end … just a start” -  Craig Venter

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