Tom Cruise Wall

Who has the real Tom Cruise touch-screen wall of Minority Report ?

Recently i had the chance to see ànd touch ànd play-around with Microsoft’s Surface Table. That was fun. Made me think of the video wall in Minority Report ;-).

Microsoft already showed some wall like this from their R&D group back in 2006

But what’s next ? Is the Tom Cruise Wall reality or still in the R&D labs ? Or is our vision of User Interface (UI) getting even better or fundamentally different ? Found in the meantime following cool stuff:

  1. Jeff Han’s company. Jeff created havoc  at TED 2007
  2. Pattie Maes’ TED 2009 appearance without screen and based on gestures:
  3. More gestures: the QB1 computer from OZWE:
  4. In stead of flat screens and Tablet PC’s, check out the Pulse Smartpen at
  5. Or throw into this things like PopFly, Yahoo Pipes, Adobe AIR, Silverlight, etc

In other words: how will we interface with the computer in 5 years ? In 10 years ? Will we all have at home a 15 m³ wall-screen in our living room, connected to a Terabit Internet Connection ?

This must be fun: let’s share what other Tom Cruise Walls are available in the market today, or that you have seen on the web or in R&D labs.

2 thoughts on “Tom Cruise Wall”

  1. Way to go Pattie. She’s studied computer science at the same university as I (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and graduated as one of the first Computer Science Phd students the year before I started.

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