Pause with Josie – Episode 3

This is episode-3 of the calm conversation with Josie Gibson from The Catalyst Network, inspired by Robert Poynton’s book “Pause – You are not a To-Do list“. The approach is simple: we both read chapter-3 of the book and highlight three sentences, and mark the words that resonate most. These sentences and words are the triggers for a very slow-paced conversation on whatever comes our way.  No tricks, no gimmicks, just a gentle and calm wandering and meandering of minds.

Here are Josie’s three sentences:

David Keating…. uses a tiny pause to instantly shift the mood (of a film crew).

Practice isn’t something abstract, it is embodied, so you need to engage your body as well as your mind.

It might be that all you need to do to access the magic of the pause is to make pause ‘a thing’.

And here are my three sentences:

The bar forces you to pause for a moment and notice how you are entering the zendo — in what frame of mind, with what intention and so on

I would encourage you to aim low and be selfish. Starting small is a good way to build a habit.

You can choose to see the journey as an ‘in-between’ place in its own right (instead of as a waste of time). Regard it as a space not to be filled and deliberately avoid reading a book, listening to the radio or music, or checking email.

We covered a wide range of topics from the entrance of a Japanese house, Buckminster Fuller’s tiny rudder, moodiness, struggling with the abstract, foam, and last but not least lite-ness and cookies from Pete The Pirate.

Pete The Pirate – Storm at Sea

Episode-1 is here. Episode-2 is here.

These are very calm conversations; so best is to take a pause, install yourself in a quiet corner, and enjoy!

Peter & Josie

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