Petervan’s Delicacies – 11 Aug 2019


There is a new edition of Petervan’s Delicacies. Number 124. An irregular, unpredictable, incoherent, unfocused set of mind-sparks that got me thinking.

As an appetizer, the last one on this edition is about Nakatomi Space, the tower that McClane explores in Die Hard via elevator shafts and air ducts, crashing through windows from the outside-in and shooting open the locks of rooftop doorways.

This is about “A ghostlike military fantasy world of boundless fluidity, in which the space of the city becomes as navigable as an ocean.” The physical walking-through-walls is a strong metaphor for radical innovation

Check-out issue #124 here. And if you like it, subscribe to future (unplanned, unguaranteed, unfocused) edition here.

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